Since year 2009, we started design Monorail with 125 passengers capacity. In 2010, We start developed the prototype, called FLOBBUS UTM-125. Our mission is to participate with stakeholder to solve the traffic congestion, as one of the economical public transport solution in Indonesia.

The advantage of monorail :

  1. Safe as monorail is elevated,
  2. Environment friendly and silent operation because electrically power and rubber tyre
  3. Punctuality, as monorail have own line,
  4. Slim track, good view for city,
  5. Having the small turning radius (50 m) and a large ability to climb (5%),
  6. Fast construction time,
  7. Efficient in energy consumption,
  8. Low Maintenance,
  9. Cost effective than other mass rapid transport.

We will be responsible in the Rolling Stock manufacturing and supporting systems, including installation, commissioning and maintenance.